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Saturday Volcano Art: Tigua painting from Ecuador 31 October 2009

Posted by admin in Ecuador, Saturday volcano art.
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Tigua painting from Ecuador

The Tigua people of Ecuador live in a rural area south-west of the capital, Quito, high in the valleys of the Andes. Their colourful and distinctive paintings depict scenes of communal life: festivals, markets, farming, daily activities. The volcano Cotopaxi presides over many of these pictures, symbolizing the spirit of the Ecuadorian landscape.

These paintings occupy that shifting and ambigous territory of cultural production in which indigenous artistic creativity depends for its sustenance upon tourist patronage, but they do represent a genuine pictorial tradition, not merely a commodified fabrication. Every part of the picture is filled with colour and life, and naive-seeming but complex tricks of perspective and distortion are used to draw the viewer into the landscape and bring order to the tumult of incident depicted. Tigua art conveys joy, lushness and life: it brims with vibrancy and colour, and conveys the spirit of the volcanic landscapes of the high Andes, and of those who live among them, beautifully.

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1. Boris Behncke - 2 November 2009

Just a brief volcano update – there seems to be some submarine volcanic activity at the Reykjanes Ridge, off the Reykjanes peninsula in southwest Iceland:
more detail here:
Most of the seismicity was on Sunday 1 November, with a clear decrease as of Monday 2 November 2009.
There is some information (in Icelandic) at the web site of the newspaper Morgunblaðið, which I am not really able to translate, but I think it’s about the hypothesis of a submarine eruption:

2. Derek McCrea - 14 November 2009

Thanks for the updates. Wow, thanks for the information you have saved a lot of people a lot of time if they read your blog without having to experiment to learn themselves.

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